Extending Zero Trust to the last mile

The missing piece of the Zero Trust puzzle: The Enterprise Browser
Imagine your zero trust architecture powered by the browser itself.

Zero trust is the security framework of choice for the modern enterprise.

Built on decades of hard-learned lessons, it is used across the digital workspace to shrink the attack surface and minimize risk. Yet, the one application at the heart of enterprise work – the browser – has been left out. Instead, we deploy endpoint agents, web portals, and VPNs to compensate for using a consumer-oriented browser for work.

But what if the browser could be the centerpiece of your zero trust framework?
The Enterprise Browser provides organizations with secure access to any app or resource on any public or private network from inside the browser itself. Existing zero trust architecture is augmented by deep, granular last-mile controls, completing the zero trust framework in a way that wasn’t possible before. And with Island Private Access, The Enterprise Browser serves as the perfect on-ramp for putting a zero trust framework in place. No agents, portals, or VPNs necessary. Just the natural browsing experience end users know and love.

“No agents, portals or VPNs necessary. Just the natural browsing experience end users know and love”

What happens when your Zero Trust architecture runs through the browser instead of around it?

Watch CEO and Co-Founder Mike Fey discuss what makes Island the Zero Trust Browser