User Directed Onboarding
The nature of work has changed. Our applications and data live in the cloud, devices are carried in our pockets, and the line between work and personal is often blurred. Whether it’s checking email while away from your desk or using a personal laptop when your main workstation is down, using personal devices for work keeps you productive.
Island, the Enterprise Browser, gives IT teams the visibility, control, data protection, and auditing capabilities to protect corporate resources while preserving user privacy outside of work activities. For employees, it is as simple as installing Island on your device and getting to work. Island is available for all major OS platforms. For IT and Security teams, using Island is much easier than trying to enroll all kinds of personal devices in MDM.
Island creates a clear boundary between work and personal apps to keep sensitive data where it belongs. Rather than downloading sensitive work content to the device, files are redirected to secure cloud storage. This allows users to do their work and interact with files, but keeps them fully secured. When work is done, you simply close the browser. Now your personal device remains personal. There’s no MDM profile or background agents left running on your device. This is the solution that finally solves the challenge of using personal devices for work, in a way that balances the needs of the user, the IT folks, and the security team.
With Island, the Enterprise Browser, you can achieve full productivity on unmanaged devices, without sacrificing security or privacy.
Sometimes changing one thing changes everything.